We are truly blessed on this day so let’s count it as this is a day that the Lord has made for us to rejoice and be glad in it. I hope everyone who reads this knows just how blessed they really are. God loves you! We have to be thankful and appreciate where we are in life because there is always someone whose life is worse off than yours. God tells us not to worry about anything but bring your problems and cares to Him and to let go. Let Him take care of them on your behalf because you can’t win them from your own might. You win with the power of the Lord that’s within your heart and soul. He is your rock so stay anchored in His love. Lately and for a long time, I’ve been a witness to a lot of sickness from our own health problems, to the people we know, love, and care about. I’ve struggled with health problems myself on top of everyday stressors that steal your joy, your peace of mind. Before you know it, you’re worried, depressed, and dealing with all these negative emotions that eat away at your soul and your overall well-being. You go to the doctor, and they tell you all the things that could be possibly wrong with you. Then, you’re prescribed all these medicines to try and heal you, but they may make you feel worse so you go into a deeper depression when you’re not healed but dependent on medication that does not cure you so it seems like a never ending battle. Sickness is not natural. God did not intend for us to be stricken with sickness in our bodies and minds. However, our lifestyles and environment contributes to a lot of health and mental issues that we encounter throughout our life’s journey. But God!! He will bring us out of sickness. There are natural remedies, foods, and herbs that will cure you quicker than what’s prescribed to us by doctors because this is how God designed us to live and thrive off natural foods. You have to renew your minds and put your faith in God, not man. He will lead you to your true destiny if you follow His path. Stop listening to people who speak death into your situation. Even if it’s spoken, you don’t have to accept it as your truth because you have a higher power in you. You have God. Trust Him. He has brought us through so much pain and suffering so you know without a doubt who He is in you and for you. He is real, and He is faithful. Just reflect over your life for a moment and how you’ve made it through. I know some won’t recognize God, but when you do and accept God as your Savior, burdens are lifted, you feel free, and you’re alive in spirit and ready to live your life to the fullest. You’ll want to make better choices that will benefit your health and the longevity of your life. God commands us to take care of our bodies for this purpose. We love to look and feel good because it’s natural. When we don’t, we become insecure or have low self-esteem. We look and worry about others rather than focusing on changing ourselves. This is not natural but a distraction of the enemy. A couple years ago, I was 211 pounds, and now, I’m 163 pounds. When I met Reese and we exchanged pictures, he made me feel some type of way because he mentioned my weight from his observation. However, I didn’t feel as though he was being judgmental but concerned for my health. Especially, when he saw pictures of me from my past, he asked about my daily activities and work-out life which was non-existent. It was always on my heart and mind to do, but I didn’t have the strength to do it. You hear me say “I didn’t.” There’s power in the tongue. The reason behind my lack of will to take action and control over my health was my personal and emotional problems from life and people in it. He didn’t accept that as a reason but an excuse and spoke life into my situation and reminded me of God’s commandment for us to live healthy lives. I was convicted in my spirit and chose to take steps to becoming and living a healthy lifestyle, and with his support and relentless encouragement to stay on course, I have made progress. I’m still a work in progress, but I am fighting the good fight to be happy, eat right, and live well. I pray you all do the same and keep your spirits lifted high on God’s love for you.
Posted inFeeling Loved