October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018

I’ve been up early this morning with a plethora of thoughts flooding my mind and heart about people being focused on or giving too much attention to what other people are doing or not doing. Especially, when they are connected to God. The devil is strong, but he’s not stronger than our God. Never has been and never will be. This is why I feel like a GIANT in this world who can withstand all things faced, unbothered, but still holding on strong to God’s promises, his love. In the midst of adversity, because I know He has me. He’s shown me over and over and over again, my whole life. This is why I talk about Him like I do. He is my rock. So, I trust and believe in Him. Therefore, I will fight the good fight to please Him until my dying day. I’ve had a couple people show concern for me answering my calling to share with you how great and fulfilling God’s love is just because they know how critical people are and how busy the devil is. However, I know God chose me for this purpose because He needs His children who are allowing others to define their relationship with Him and what He will do for them to STOP!!! People judging you or highlighting your shortcomings, while being truly connected to God, is their problem. Not yours. Our God tells us not to grow weary in doing well because it will come in due time as long as you don’t lose heart: Galatians 6:9. Trust Him. Focusing on your sins is a distraction from you being able to put your faith in God. You’ll feel worthless. Not good enough for His love and blessings that we’ve already inherited. That was me, once upon time, before I finally realized that God’s love is truly unconditional, and in His love, many burdens were lifted off me, my heart. He already loves and blesses us every day that He gives us life here on earth. However, we need to stay conscious and always work on the areas of our lives that need improvement. Talk to God and acknowledge your wrongdoings for Him to change you into the person who He needs you to be. Who you want to be. That should be your prayer. Then, trust that He will deliver you and move on. The more you lean on and trust Him, the more He’ll guide your steps to make a difference in you to bring light into this dark world. Stay seeking Him and rest assured change will come. Live with a peaceful and happy heart. Do not give people the power by allowing their judgment towards you to be a distraction from your walk with God. As I said before, God does not deal with us in the flesh but our hearts. This is why you should get acquainted with Him and allow Him to work in you where you’re at in life so He can work through you just as you are. We’re His vessels and very useful for Him to train and make us better so we may join together to save as many people as possible by leading the lost to Him. We may get distracted by what people say but listen to what God says. Know Him and His love for you for yourself. I love you all and wish you nothing but the best. If my words touch you, my work here is being done by the mighty name of Jesus and that is what matters to me the most. We cannot be critical of our flaws when God has already saved us in spite of them. Now, it’s our job to save ourselves. That’s fighting the good fight. Let’s lean on each other’s growth and wisdom and not focus on our shortcomings because I guarantee you, we’re all sinners consciously and unconsciously. If we were perfect and had it all together, why would we need God?